
November 17, 1985

Available in the KPHI Audio Library.
...if a person refuses to admit, then they are packing it all over here on the side of their shoulder...

Corky:It's a very nasty word to a lot a lot of people. Especially in Summum, when the person would hear the word repent, a lot of things are conjured up within inside of themselves. Like "Oh no, we're going to have the little booths" like they have at the Catholic Church, or oh no it's gonna be that we got to go talk to the bishop and repent, or it's a Christian thing. And we'll discuss it here in a second exactly what it is. It's the systematic law of learning, how it works, but it's been changed a little bit over a period of times and every philosophy has adapted it to fit in their organization in a particular way so that something can happen with that process. Anybody feel free to ask questions or have statements or whatever as we go along. Can you hear real well James? I want to send a copy of this tape to Ron specifically because one of the reasons we're having this discussion today is so that Ron can have this tape for some of the people that he will run into in California and also help him to deal with what's going on down there.

Back in 1975 in October when this thing got started, I, as I've told everybody here, I was introduced to, not by anybody else, but by themselves the Summa people. And the Summa people came and said "Hello, here we are." And I'm sort of generalizing the story, not getting into any of the specifics, but they said "We have this little thing we would like you to do, and your whole life is going to change because of it, and you need to start doing these things instead of these things." And I said "Oh yeah? That's interesting, we'll see what this is all about." And so I sort of resisted it there at first and after a period of thrashings and assassinations on me, I sort of got involved with the program and started doing what I was asked to do, and then after I got to a certain point of doing what I was asked to do I, started enjoying it, and then I discovered what it really was. I didn't know what it really was until after I had done it for a period of time. And everybody around here hears, or here or there or whatever or whoever happens to run into this, or whoever has run into this, wonders about the name Ah-Mon-Ra. Has anybody ever wondered about that name? Have you ever wondered about it? What have you wondered about it? What have you wondered about Amon Ra?

Al: I've heard it in studies of Egyptian history and it has like the highest priority.

Corky:It's sort of a group leader of a group of individuals who work in the hall of justice. Ok. That's sort of what it says in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. And what happened is the identities on the other side said "We don't necessarily want to be born onto that farm planet with all the turds and have to go down there and live in the slime. How about if we do something like this? How about if we possess or allow our essences to be with some individuals who are already there and raise the new Atlantean era and get it started. And then we don't have to go down there and be there in the wholeness of ourselves. We can already do with what's there." It's sort of, if you were going to get somebody to do something in Paris, you would pick up the phone and call them and say "Hey Al, how's Paris? How about going down and buying me some of that Paris cheese and mailing it back?" Is that pretty quick? I mean it takes a lot longer to get born and then you're stuck in the thing after a period of time. And it causes a lot of chaos and upsets the natural order of everything that takes place. And so, the names represent the Summa people. And when a person is given the name, it doesn't necessarily mean that the Summa essence or the personality or the being is going to dwell inside of the person who gets the name. They maybe are given the name to see if they are capable of dealing with it, or sometime in the future allowing that to happen to them.

Anyway, so Summum got started and we started doing what we are doing and we went down the road a ways and built a pyramid and gathered a bunch of this stuff together. We started making the nectars, teaching people to meditate, we're going to do the mummification, doing all the things exactly the way the people on the other side, the workers or the guides in the Hall of Osiris, the Hall of Justice, the Bardo Thodol, whatever you want to call it, are doing and wanted done, and so we're doing here on this side, getting everybody, we will be getting everybody ready to go down the hall. And so as we go along here, we have all the normal things that happen on a farm planet with all of the type of unevolved souls who run around and the things that they do and the things that happen with them. And so there are a lot of individuals because of their own problems with themselves object to what we do or what Amon Ra does or whatever is done in Summum from the outside or on the inside because it doesn't go along with their program. Everybody know what I'm talking about? Any questions about that? Jim, how many people donated money to the Rajneeshpuram because Sheela was there?

Jim: None.

Corky:How many because Swami Wabadoomyoomy was there?

Jim: None.

Corky:How many because all the other guys were there? I mean, if Rajneesh hadn't been there, how many would have donated it to him?

Jim: None.

Corky:Why is that do you think?

Jim: He was the main reason they were there.

Corky:Or it was the force behind what was going on. And the people donated their money and resources to make it happen because of the force that was going on right?

Jim: Uh huh.

Corky: Sheela was helping out, but did it have anything to do with Sheela? In actuality. I mean, was she the cause of it?

Jim: No. Indirectly she was a ...

Corky: A functioner in the system. And they needed Sheela to be there and everything right? To make it go and everything, but they weren't sending millions of dollars there because of Sheela there, they weren't building buildings because Sheela was there. If Bhagwan wouldn't have been there, it wouldn't have happened, right?

Jim: Right.

Corky: How many books has Bhagwan written?

Jim: Three hundred and sixty...

Corky: I mean himself, I mean actually done the writing himself.

Jim: I'm not sure about that.

Corky: None.

Jim: They are all commentaries...

Corky: On his talks. Exactly. I'm just trying to get something clear here. He hasn't sat down and typed anything out or written anything. He's given a lot of talks and given out a lot of concepts and ideas and words and everything, and then what happened Donna? People within the organization did what?

Donna: Recorded it and made books out of it.

Corky: And they wrote the books and put the words into a real nice format and everything. How many of them put their name on them as writer? None. They didn't put their name as author or anything like that, meaning they were the writer and put the words down and told the story. Is that an interesting story Frank? Why is that an interesting story?

Frank: Because I don't think Al did that. Did he? With the book?

Corky: What did he do?

Frank: In the book they wrote about Summum.

Corky: Yeah, what did they say in it?

Frank: It's been so long since I've even looked at it...

Corky: Did you see it Jim? What did Al do?

Jim: I read it and it was a book about Al.

Corky: Whose words were they?

Jim: Al's.

Corky: I mean where did the stories come from?

Jim: Al. I mean, based around Summum.

Corky: Where did all the philosophy in the book come from?

Jim: It came from Al.

Corky: You mean he came up with all the stories about what happens here and everything?

Jim: In fact when I read it, it was like a book that was written about something that really wasn't about it. It had several different concepts in it.

Corky: Yeah. And so he took the philosophy here and put it into Al's story and took the credit for it? In the short term? Which is real interesting.

Ok, I wanted to cover those bases here real quickly so we could go on to something else. It is really interesting the process we go through the very basic lecture, the first one we ever give, it's the systematic law of learning. It says we question things up here, then we take experience in them, and to be able to take experience in them and question them, you have to go through some kind of transformation through the experience of it and the activity of it, and you let go of the old belief system, and you cop to it and you go back into a new consciousness as a different person. What happens if you don't give up your old belief system? Is there any change that takes place? Can you pretend to give up your old belief system? Do people do that?

Al: Yeah.

Corky: Bernie have you ever seen someone pretend to give up their old belief system?

Bernie: All the time.

Corky: They pretend but they never really do, do they? They just continue to go on the way that they are going, and not much changes does it? They still stay the same and not much really happens with them because they refuse to let go or make some kind of change with it. And then we talk about the matriarchal and patriarchal order and if we don't want to get in chaos around here, the people who wanted it to dance with chaos on the place and do it their way, you know everybody jump on everybody and say "well you guys are real patriarchal around there, this is not a matriarchal place." And then if we say something to them that they don't like, like get a job, or you sure are a piece of lard on society pretending to hold your baby and that's the only thing you can do in life, and that's the only existence and that's the most valuable thing, and you can't do anything other than that and hold this baby and put it in everybody's thing. Then there is a real problem with what's going on with you guys to the extent that there couldn't be any enlightenment there because you call me on my act. Does everybody see how that works? If you call somebody on their act, they get real pissed and all of a sudden you're patriarchal, or you're too matriarchal, or you've got too many rules and regulations and we want to get this thing into chaos so we can do our thing on it. They've forgot that the whole cosmos has a very natural order to it. Anybody ever heard of the natural order of the cosmos? You know what the natural order of the cosmos is? That's when certain elements are automatically attracted to other elements because of the natural attractions that they have. The sun naturally comes up every day and goes down. Everything is in a divine perfect orbit and everything works in a very harmonious way in the universe and it's called the natural order of the universe, which is the matriarchal universe, but it has a lot of rules and regulations. That means that when you pour oil on top of water, the oil floats right? Now what if one time you poured it in and it blended in and the next time it floated? That would be chaos right? There would be no order to it. There wouldn't be any organization or order to the cosmos, but the cosmos has natural rules and regulations that you follow like our class here in the morning. Nobody can come in until 11:00 unless they want to come in here and not argue with us or cause chaos. They can come at 11:00 and try to cause chaos and do their thing, that's ok, we'll put up with a little chaos, but between 10 and 11, we're going to have a little natural order. We try to have a congenial group here together so that people will naturally work together.

Does everybody wonder what I'm getting to? Yeah? Sort of building some foundation to get to something here. Well, it's really weird how everybody who gets called on something has an argument with the place. All of a sudden, it's just really bizarre. It's sort of like, remember all the times we asked Michael to get into the chair and he kept saying I'm taking big drafts on creations bank account, but I'm not going to pay them back yet. Isn't that what he said Donna? Did he ever really, ever cop to anything we asked him about. He refused to, didn't he? And that's called repentance. That's what repentance is. It's admitting to yourself and to the womb of what this thing is doing, that maybe that is the state and taking a clear look at it and then being forgiven of it and then going onto a new thing. Until you admit it, can you ever be forgiven of it by creation? You can't can you? Because you are a part of creation and it's a process that you go through. And this is why repentance is in all the churches. It's something that they discovered from the foundation, but they sort of got it a little weirded out, some of the ways that they do it in some of the churches. But the systematic law of learning, what we're doing here in the classes and stuff, is that process. And for a person to go through the process, they have to admit to what they were doing by those and the thing that called it on them, and then everything is washed away at that point we'll say, totally forgotten as if it never existed and you go on to a new frontier. But if a person refuses to admit, then they are packing it all over here on the side of their shoulder or on the backpack and it never goes away. And that's what repentance is all about.

You saw a lot of change in Mike, Donna, do you think that he was maybe getting ready to cop? We call it copping to or let's say repentance.

Donna: He was sort of doing it a little bit to me, he was doing it without doing it.

Corky: He was trying to do it.

Donna: Yeah, I guess so.

Corky: Doing it on the side of things because it's very uncomfortable thing to do. Most people don't like to do it right?

Donna: It's very hard.

Corky: It's a very difficult thing to do, to really truly do it. But after you do it, it's all gone isn't it? And it's never remembered, it's forgotten as if it never existed. Jim! You've got this big smile on your face, what were you thinking?

Jim: I guess I more or less went through a repentance.

Corky: Uh huh, right, you did. You sat right there and told us all about it. Why you went and the dishonesty you went under and you came back in honesty and admitted that you went out in dishonesty and came back in honesty and does it bug you now?

Jim: Nope.

Corky: Its gone isn't it? We can talk about you as an example but it's a forgotten thing. Did you sort of feel some sort of forgiveness come over you?

Jim: Yeah.

Corky: Wasn't that weird? It's really a weird thing. Who told you when you left in the consciousness that you went in, who did you say was telling you to go to Arizona? I'll never forget it. I mean, I've forgotten it, but I'll never forget what you said.

Jim: Summum.

Corky: You said Amen Ra told me to go to Arizona. Remember that? Isn't that funny now? It was really weird, and then James came back and saw what was happening and he faced it, he dealt with it and he did sort of what the churches do which is repentance and it went away, completely, forever. Have you ever, ever felt after you came back and you went through that process sitting back there in the back of the room that anyone held a grudge against you about that?

Jim: In the beginning there was.

Corky: But I mean after you went through it did you feel that there has been?

Jim: No.

Corky: Right, it completely goes away doesn't it, when you go through the process. It just sort of like, it's washed away like it says in the scriptures. There is a scripture that says "before a person can have this happen, they have to come with a broken heart and a contrite spirit." What does that mean? Jan, what's a broken heart and a contrite spirit?

Jan: You've just completely given up. You quit fighting and you gave up and you saw very clearly what you had done and you say "I give up." You say I'm sorry.

Corky: Would you hold any grudge in your giving up or anything?

Jan: No, I think it's probably relief.

Corky: It's sort of like let's say you're in a wrestling match ok, and the guy's got you held down and you say I give. You could stand up off the mat and want to wrestle some more couldn't you?

Jan: Yeah.

Corky: Do a lot of people do that?

Jan: Yeah.

Corky: So they really haven't given up have they? They're just saying it. They're pretending right? And so nothing is really happening. There's still a wrestling match going on. It's the same thing as surrender, it's the same thing as repentance, it's the systematic law of learning. It's the exact same thing. Now I'm sure that people on the outside who hear this conversation will say "there's nobody who's gonna tell me what to do, I'm my own person! I know all the answers, I've got every one of them." Anybody ever heard that one before? "I gotta go this thing on my own, there's nobody going to help me through it. There's no person on this whole planet that can do anything with me or help me." Do you see why it's real difficult for those on the other side to want to deal with the stuff that's on this side? Janie, take the chair we're going to use you as an example. Not personally, we're just going to go through a scenario, Ok? So don't worry about being in the chair, it's a safe chair today.

Ok. Let's just suppose all of a sudden that you stopped being closed minded and all of a sudden you got so open minded that you could see everything. Does that make sense at all? So open minded that you could see to the beginning of when A and B came into play and creation came about, to the time when it cycles around and does it a second time. And there are trillions of universes in between there and each universe has trillions of years of time. And you can see all of that. Ok? That's pretty open minded isn't that? That's pretty clear? Real good vision huh? And in that vision you discovered that there are all different stages of evolution and in the animal stage of evolution, the animals are out there biting on each other for survival. Its survival of the fittest, and then we see as we go a little bit higher in evolution we see the humanoids, and the humanoids have moved a little bit out of survival of the fittest and they've moved into a social order where they take care of some of the one's that aren't very fit. And they feed them in like Ethiopia and they keep them alive. They don't have a real happy existence but still they don't all just drop dead. Like in the United States, everybody could still be carrying guns and the person who didn't draw quick enough wouldn't be alive, and everybody would grab whatever they wanted and stuff, that would be more of an animalistic society, right? So a change is taking place from the jungle. Then you could see that there are many many stages after that and things get more evolved and that there is this place called the Hall of Justice. It's a complete cycle that we go into, and you've been there millions of times before. And every time you go there, the council talks to you and they say "My God Janie, all this time you were down there on the planet, on the farm planet, whichever planet you were on this last time, you said last time you left here you would try to remember us. And you would try to do something other than just survive for the fittest there on the planet and do your thing on the planet, you would try to get involved in the overall picture. How can you get so unconscious when you get down there?"

Now that you're seeing all of this you know, it's real clear. And you saw these guys talking to you before you left, the women and the men were both there, because there are just as many women as there are men there, it's a balanced organization. It's a very precise harmony in the cosmos where these things balance together. Nature's that way.

So, would you feel funny? Looking at the whole thing and looking back at a lifetime and saying how could I get so unconscious not realizing that I've lost so much out of my existence and I've been through this a billion times going to the other side. "You guys cut my memory off every time I go and you're only letting me work from my heart instead of my brain and it's not fair because everybody works from their brain on the planet trying to get theirs." But if you're working from your heart, which is your bond with the Hall or the other side, you can see things, but if you don't work from your heart you can't see anything you just work from your brain.

And the lust of, you know your crotch and your head, just those two things to satisfy the mouth and the head and the consciousness and the crotch and the material things of the planet. "But you guys cut off my heart." And they say back to you, "No, we didn't cut off your heart. You have a functioning heart. It's been working all this time and everything. It's where have you been putting all of your attention. You were the one who was in control, you were allowed to put your attention wherever you wanted to when you were down there on the planet and just because you put it all in your head and your crotch and the material world doesn't mean that it's our fault." That you forgot that the Hall of Justice was here and the whole other side of the coin existed, it's sort of logical wasn't it? There was a day and a night, and if you looked at it real clearly, how in the world could you deny that there is two sides to everything and that they both are? And so one doesn't just go out of existence. Night is. What would you say to them?

Janie: I don't think I'd have an excuse for them.

Corky: But isn't the vision of seeing all of that interesting? And what keeps people from seeing it?

Janie: They still have a lot of things they want to do and fulfill. It's like they aren't finished with doing their thing.

Corky: Well, they are operating from the head and the crotch right, instead of the heart? What does the vow of poverty say? The vow of poverty is in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. It's talked about in the Hall of Justice, you take the same vow there before you incarnate here. It says what? I will become Summum Bonum who?

Janie: Neffer Nu.

Corky: And what does Summum Bonum Neffer Nu do?

Janie: She puts her attention on...

Corky: The Hall of Creation and creations flow and everything? And it says that the whole existence and the purpose and everything is for the benefit of creation as opposed to the benefit of one little tiny incarnation, one little tiny lifetime. It's like they say in the scriptures, like a little tiny piece of sand on all the beaches on all the planets. One piece of sand. How valuable is that, one little life time? Not very valuable is it? There's lots of them. And in the vow of poverty you don't own anything, your whole existence, your whole nature is put towards that. That's the vow you take before you come on this side, see and then you take it once you're here and then you go back on the other side and you deal with what you did here. Because the karma you build here disposes you there and the karma you build there disposes you here. So, let's just say that you got this vision and everything ok, and you were able to see this real clear and you saw the other side because you started to use the consciousness of being able to see the vision through your heart instead of your head and the brain and the crotch consciousness, um, would it change your life at all?

Janie: You'd be seeing from an entirely different perspective.

Corky: Your motives would all be different, wouldn't they? Everything that you did would be for a different purpose. Would you be concerned about what you felt and what people were doing to you?

Janie: Not at all.

Corky: It would sort of just go away wouldn't it? Naturally. It would just sort of be a natural dispersal of that. You wouldn't worry about going out and trying to gain some satisfaction for something. It would be a real bizarre consciousness for a farm planet like this. Because there's not many people going around doing it, you'd be out of place. I mean they would say weird things about you, they would say like the other day on the radio station, this chick said to me "Don't you think" I can't remember the words, it was too intellectual for me to understand, but it said something like, it was real fancy words you know, high vocabulary, high powerful intellect, it said "Don't you think you are all sort of screwed up because you're so way out there in left field and you lead such a bizarre life and don't you think it's a lot better to just be involved in the normal things in the world and get new cars and houses and be like everybody else and have a good time at the local club and dance and go out to dinner and spin your wheels around the planet instead of building a weird pyramid and doing things with people's spirits and then telling them there is another life after this and mummifying them and getting involved in something like that, don't you think that's sort of ridiculous?" And I said to her, no, I think it's in the forefront of things. But she used the real fancy words. I can't even remember what they were. They were beyond my living brain to understand. I didn't study my vocabulary cards well enough.

Do you see how the systematic law of learning works? How does it work, what happens? Put it in your words.

Janie: Anytime you come around something that is strange or out of the ordinary for you, you don't accept it right away. You have to be around it and find out if there is any validity to it and you have to see if this is really anything that's interesting or of interest or of value to you.

Corky: Right. Ok, let's get down to the very bottom line here real quick. What's strange, Al, about calling somebody on their honesty saying, "Are you being honest Al about your dealings with the neighbor and the fence?" What's strange about that? Is there anything strange about that? I mean is there a space...

Al: Comment? The comment, is that strange?

Corky: Yeah, the comment, or is it like dancing on needles or walking on coals or flying through the air or building pyramids? Does it have anything to do with bizarreness? Let's just say that I ask you this question, "Hey Al, do you think there is some kind of grudge you have against your neighbor and your building the fence originally for a sound barrier, but now you got it up there because there is some kind of thing you're not going to let anybody tell you what to do, and it's your property and it's your space and it's something that is going on?" Could we talk to you in your honesty about that? Is there something strange about asking people about things like that?

Al: It's out of the ordinary to ask people that.

Corky: Well it's out of the ordinary and everything, but is there a problem with it? Is it me...I mean is it un-Christian, or is it crazy to ask something like that? Do you belong in a mental institution for asking people like that, or is it something that you shouldn't do?

Al: Normally people would think that would be crazy and strange, but I don't think there is anything wrong with it.

Corky: Bernie.

Bernie: I personally don't think that there is anything wrong with it. Most people have the attitude that it's none of their business.

Corky: Ok. Now, do you think it's possible when we ask someone a question like that ok, that comes around here, I may ask Al that question here in class, but other people who happen to be visiting get the same question except in a different way, do you think all of a sudden they're threatened by the question so all of a sudden this is a weird group because it builds pyramids, and make an excuse not to deal with this thing?

Bernie: Right, that's exactly what happens.

Corky: "Golly, they got a pyramid, I don't wanna deal with it." That question's what's going on subconsciously. "Oh those guys make mummies!"

Al: Yeah, that's the easiest thing to...

Corky: "Look at all these rules and regulations." "I don't wanna deal with that question, I don't ever want to be one of those places where I gotta really look at myself and find out what's really going on. Those guys don't jump on everybody, or they don't grow the flowers the way I want them to, or I think we ought to do it this way and make a big chaos mess out of it and all go crazy, because I don't want to deal with that question." Do you think that's what happens?

Al: Yeah.

Jan: Somebody did say that to me last weekend, last big weekend. There was somebody who said there were too many rules and regulations. I never really... I said there are?!

Corky: Well there are, because they don't want to deal with the question about the feats.

Jan: I don't know if there are a lot or not...

Corky: Well no, to them there are, there's always some objection.

Jan: Well there was something on the bulletin board. It didn't seem like a lot of them.

Corky: No, there's a dejection to the shape of the pyramid because of the question that I asked Janie about whether she was being selfish when she talked to Frank, or something like that. Who cares what the question was. And this person sitting over here says "Oh fuck, I remember when I did that," and it hits them right in the heart and all of a sudden their blood pressure goes up and they get real hot and say, "I don't like the shape of that building. These people are all fucked up. They got all these rules and regulations and their building's shaped weird because he asked Janie a question about the way she talks to Frank." And that's what happens.

Now, the law of repentance is what we do here. And using the word is sick because the Christians made such a sad story out of it. But the bottom line of it is when you come with a broken heart and contrite spirit after you've been called on the thing like Mary Magdalene and Christ said to her "Don't go out and fuck those guys anymore, you're going to catch AIDS." Why don't you get a regular job? Come on! That's lazy. Go catch fish or something like that. Go bake bread. Just laying down and spreading your legs, that's not where it's at. That's what they do on the farm planet. Come on. Go and do something better. If you do, it I'll forgive you, honest, and we'll never have to worry about it again." Right James? And it goes away forever. And it happened, and it happens, and that's the systematic law of learning. But as long as people refuse to say with their lips, "Oh, I did it, I'm sorry," and mean it, and feel it inside, it never goes away. They'll always pack it, and then when they get to the other side in the Hall of Justice again and say, "Golly, how many times do we have to go through this one?" "Ok, down hall number one through door three, you get born again. Try it next round." And that's what happens. I mean there is nothing wrong with it in reality. I mean you get born again and you go through all that stuff again, but I mean it's easier to get to doing it instead of hiding from it and blaming it on the shape of the building or what's on the wall in the building over there or who said what to who. Like we got a thing going on in California right now about what Al said to somebody and that's why Summum's all screwed up. It has nothing to do with what Al said to somebody, why Summum's all screwed up. It's what Corky said to one person, or when I was in the chair, what I said to a person about a job. The shape of the building all of a sudden got weird. Out of the million reasons why not to deal with it. Does anybody have questions about this, the systematic law of learning?

Jim, how many people donate their money to Summum because Rooster is here?

Jim: None.

Corky: How many because Rachael is here?

Jim: None.

Corky: How many because Mike was here?

Jim: None.

Corky: You see the story? How did the pyramid get built? Did it get built by accident?

Jim: No.

Corky: It all got built for a purpose didn't it?

Jim: Yup.

Corky: The reason I'm asking Jim these questions is because he can see it real clearly and he can come to the answer real quick. There is a purpose going on here and the Netters started it in 75 and it will continue to happen whether you guys want to cooperate or not and it will go on from here. They're just giving you a real good chance to get in on it, instead of fight with it. If you'll start thinking from your heart. Don't you think Jim? Great, let's take a break and wait for the new people to come.