All Paths Require Submission

February 28, 1982

Available in the KPHI Audio Library.
Christ said you need to become as a little child to enter the kingdom of God.

We've been discussing the systematic law of learning and in specific, submission, and how submission relates to our ascension in our awareness and anything that happens to be within our lives that allows us to move forward dramatically in evolution or any movement in evolution takes place through the divine law of submission.

That word, as I've said in the past couple of weeks, is a very difficult word for a lot of people to deal with to the extent that it's a very threatening situation when they hear the word submission. What I'd like to do today is explain why submission happens to be the base root or the cause that all of the paths that happen to be here available to us in this world, all of the paths that are available to bring one closer to an understanding of what they are, who they are, their ascension, their enlightenment, their awakening, whatever you choose to call it.

Let us begin with Christianity. Christ said, He who follows me shall find the kingdom of God. He who calls upon my name and worships me, I shall take upon me all of their sins. I shall take away their burden of their life and they shall be free and enter the kingdom of God. He also said in Romans that those who submit to him or become subject to Christ find the kingdom of God. This is one of the paths, and Christ was telling the truth. All He was speaking about was the systematic law of learning. What Christ explained to the people in His time was that if they would follow the precepts and the teachings of Christ consciousness or of the Christ, that they would live those things within their life. And most important of all, if they would submit their lives to Christ, dedicate their lives to Christ in the state of submission, this was a divine path to heaven, back to home, to this peace, to this bliss. And He was really telling the truth.

We see all of the people in the world today that happen to be, say, born-again Christians or touched by the Christ consciousness or welled within as Christ dwells within their heart, and this is really truth. This really does take place, because on the path of Christ consciousness they submit to Christ. They give all of their burdens to the Christ. It unloads all the obstacles between them and the Christ, all the barriers between them and the Christ, and they ascend to this Christ consciousness with the practice of the principles that Christ taught and also by submitting to Him and by practicing the principles they are in submission to Christ's teachings. And so we come back again to the divine key is submission.

Let us examine another path. Let us just say that we examine some of the Hindu teachings, some of the yogi teachings, where we would have a path of devotion to God. This would be very, very similar to, let us just say, Christ consciousness, a submission to Christ. We have the Hare Krishna people. What they do is they continually repeat the name of God, Krishna, within their mind and out loud, and by doing this they devote themselves to the God, Krishna. They put all of their labors, all of their work, in a submissive state to the Lord, Krishna, and by doing so they find themselves unloaded of the obstacles and the barriers between them and the Lord, Krishna. Another state of submission is all it is. This is the grand divine key of submission.

We have the austerities that the yogis practice. One austerity could be that one would sit in the forest for 50 years and not speak, not associate with any other humans, and what they are doing is they are submitting themselves to an austerity, to not being within the populace, not being within the society. They move into a state of submission, a one-pointedness, a one path, a one direction, and they arrive at the ascension also.

We have those who practice a hatha yoga, which would be the exercise of the body or the stretching of the body, and what takes place there is one's soul, one's ego, one's attention, one's consciousness becomes one-pointed in concentration on the stretching of the body, and they submit to this. Their ego submits to it. And so here we could continue on and we could continue on with all the thousands of different paths that lead us to this heaven, to this nirvana, to this bliss consciousness, to this enlightenment, to this awakened awareness, to these things that are all the exact same thing but we use different terms for them, and it all comes back to that there are obstacles between us and let us just call it the goal or the supreme destiny. And this great obstacle is the ego, and the ego happens to make up an infinite number of different obstacles in combination which create what we could call the ego. This ego stands between us and this supreme goal, and until one finds a path that is suited for them in their particular evolutionary stage and takes their ego and puts their ego in the state of submission under the divine grand law to that path, they do not begin to evolve within the ascension of this consciousness. They do not begin to move towards it until their ego begins to move into the state of submission on one of the paths of the ascension.

How do we recognize that we have an ego? The question would be, do we really want to recognize if we have an ego? The ego itself does not want us to recognize that it is in control, and you, your inner self, is not in control. For the ego chooses to be in control of your lives and your destinies, and when we allow the ego to be touched by submission, it becomes threatened. You can all find this within your lives.

We hold classes here on love therapy. Many of us don't want to be loved, and we don't want to love in the ego, but deep down inside we really do desire that, and so when someone would come to us to love us or hold us, then our ego is threatened. Great fear comes upon us. We become disturbed. We get in the state of defense, which is the battleground of the ego, and we become very, very defensive, for this is what the ego does for survival, becomes very, very defensive. This is everyone's personal decision.

A resonation can be given to you that you would receive now that would say to you, Oh, I do have an ego, and I do know that my ego stands between me and this great knowledge, but I find it impossible to do anything about it. I find it impossible to take the effort to change this ego. I would say, that is your ego telling you that it's impossible. That is your ego telling you it's very, very difficult, the very easiest thing in the world to do. All one needs to do is change the degree of resistance in the ego that one has, and it's in degrees, for I said the battleground of the ego is defense. It defends itself against love coming onto it.

So we would say from an ego state, the opposite of defense would be offense, and I would say to you no it would not be. The opposite of defense would be submission, for when we repel something, or we hold it out, the opposite of that isn't going and pushing it out. It's going in the same direction. The opposite of defense is allowing it in and is surrender, for defense is actually offense in a form. It is a degree of offense, for a resistance takes place, and if we put it on a direct line, and we said in the center was defense, and on the left side was offense, on the far right side would be submission.

So the center is defense, where the ego stands. And so if one were to allow themselves to rest on this consciousness of finding out where their ego was at, when anything comes to us which we do not understand, we automatically move into an ego consciousness of defense, and to change the resonation of that, to allow ourselves to overcome this obstacle to our enlightenment, this barrier which we call the ego between us and the enlightenment, we need to just move down in temperature, on the scale to the point of submission, where we allow it to enter, and we allow it in such a way that it cannot cause us harm.

All of us have gone to the physician and received an injection in the past. Some of us have gone there, and the thought of the injection being given to us has been grandly disturbing, has brought great mental pain and torture upon us, and we haven't even got it yet. And we've suffered far more than the actual injection could possibly be to us. And then when we get it, we conjure up all this great pain, and a little tiny pricking takes place, and it's all over within an instance. If we allow the injection, the healing drug to enter our body, it heals us. But if we defend ourselves from it and fight it off, it does not have the opportunity to enter into us, to heal us.

As I spoke before, everything that comes from the Source is divine. If all of you will look back on your lives, and you will remember when you saw a great calamity coming and how horrible it was going to be, and if this thing happened, all would be lost, then a year after it was gone, you look back on it, and you say to yourself, Well, I'm all well. Everything is okay. That wasn't really that bad. Maybe it was a divine lesson. We learn from those things that seem to be calamities, but we never learn from our successes. We always learn from our failures. But we never allow these things to enter into us without being in offense to them on the battlefield of the ego. So I would say to you, all you need to do is look at your defense and your ego, and everything that comes to you, you would find an excuse or a reason why not to surrender to it. But you would exist there on the battlefield of the ego of life and do battle with it rather than surrendering. And when one surrenders, it passes by you, causes you no harm. It becomes part of you. Then the ego has no longer any control upon you, and your consciousness very, very easily absorbs all the experiences of life and begins to ascend, and you are no longer affected by the ego battlefield of life.

Another example could be that if we had a very, very good job, and all of a sudden the economy became bad and they laid everybody off, and we could say, all the world has come to an end. I'm going to lose this, and I'm going to lose that. I'm going to lose this, and I'm going to lose that. And we're worrying about the future, and we're worrying about the past. But if we rest within the now, the very active now, the productive now, not laying on your back and doing nothing, not vegetating, but the activity of the now, the productivity of the now. When one produces within the now, they're within the state of submission. We are within the state of submission. And if the job passes on, we aren't going to pass on. All it is is part of the movie of life that takes place that is going to be the way that it's going to be. But if we get caught up in the ego defense, the battlefield of life, we wrestle within the mind, within the consciousness, in the disturbance of what can I do, what didn't I do, and the argument of the defense of the battlefield of life, of why this happened to me, or how am I going to change this circumstance, when in reality all it is is part of your movie of life, the law of cause and effect. And instead of being locked in ignorance, in the ego, in defense, in the center point of this difference in degrees between offense, defense, and submission, one can submit to the reality of life, allow it to be, have no pain from it, have no stress from it, but be within a state of bliss as their movie of life goes through, as their movie of life happens.

And all things that do happen to you are good. You just believe that they're not. Because the illusions that you have about tomorrow and the delusions that you have about yesterday don't necessarily fit into the actuality of the cause and effect of your movie of life. And so when these things happen, you get all agitated in the defense of the battlefield of life, wondering where you're going to set up this tank, where you're going to place this mortar, where this bomber is going to circle around and drop it on the enemy, the thing that's causing you to be on the defense.

But if you come off of the battlefield of life, if you come out of that war, your life is going to have the exact same things happen in it. The life in the movie isn't going to change. The only thing that's going to change is whether you're going to be happy within it or whether you're going to be disturbed within it, whether you're going to be on defense within the ego within that movie of life or whether you're going to be in bliss within your life and whether you're going to be ascended within your consciousness, whether you're going to be in nirvana, in heaven, in enlightenment, in awakened awareness or in ignorance, in the ego, in the state of defense.

Another thing that could be said about defense and resistance and offense is that it's a maintenance stage of life. It's not a creative stage. It's a maintenance stage and a deteriorative stage. And what takes place in defense is when we defend and we prepare for this defense, all we're doing is maintaining. It's like those who store up food for survival. They gather these great supplies for survival because of the great calamity that's going to come in two years or ten years or six months or a hundred years or whatever it be, and they have all this storage for the great calamity that's going to come. And when the calamity comes, they survive through the calamity because they have enough defensive ego, enough defensive storage and supply to survive the calamity. But ten years later, they drop dead anyway. So big deal. They're all going to die anyway.

And so what they did is they spent their whole consciousness of their life, instead of ascending their consciousness to God consciousness, instead of allowing themselves to experience the divine and the beauty of the whole of existence, what they did is they turned their state towards maintenance by being in defense, and they became stagnated. And so they did save the body, but they did not save the soul.

Like Christ said, take no thought for tomorrow, for tomorrow shall take care of itself. The lilies of the field, they don't go out and store up big supplies. Nature takes care of them. They're taken care of by the divine, the divine of nature. I'm not saying that you don't have to have a job, and you don't have to have a shelter to live in, but there are degrees of those things. There's degrees of your personal maintenance. There's degrees of your personal defense. If your whole life is turned towards defense and offense rather than any surrender at all to God, then you're going to be in a complete state of maintenance, and you're not going to go anywhere like Christ would say. You're not going to be like him, because that's what he was like. He was in the state of submission. He submitted on the cross and gave his life. He didn't go build a bomb shelter and put all of his 20-year supply in it and hide out from the guards and say, I'm going to hide in here until all you guys drop dead, and I'm going to come out and preach some more. He went up and gave his life on the cross. It's pretty plain and simple. I mean, we have to be stupid to not get this. I mean, just really outright stupid.

Every philosopher of divinity, every Christ, every Krishna, every Mohammed, every Buddha taught this exact same thing of surrender, of being with the divine cause rather than being in the state of defense, in the state of maintenance. It's okay if you choose to live in the state of maintenance in your life, but you ought to be aware that where you're at, all you're going to do is maintain your present consciousness. You are not going to become like Christ. You're not going to become like Krishna or Buddha or Mohammed. You're going to maintain your present ego consciousness state until you surrender on one of the divine paths. And one of the divine paths requires surrender. Either you surrender to Christ, you surrender to Krishna, you surrender to Buddha, you surrender to the hatha yoga. You surrender in one form or another, or all you do is maintain.

The ego is found within the heart. We would believe it to be within the brain or the mind. The information is stored there, but the divinity of it and the expression of it takes place from the heart chakra. And as we encounter people, as we encounter situations and experiences in our lives, it's all accepted through the chakra of the heart. And this is why we speak of love therapy in our classes. For all of us, most all of us, have closed our hearts. And when the heart is closed, the ego is at the point of defense or at the point of attack. And we see this very, very vividly with people around us. We see the people who don't have an open heart, who are completely rigid, who have no compassion at all for man or humankind, have a closed heart. And their ego has led to believe that they have to be on the state of defense or on the attack all the time.

And so I would say to you that you need to turn your attention towards your heart. I wouldn't say that you need to allow it to be taken advantage of, because if you allow it to be taken advantage of, you're still in the state of defense. What I would say is you need to open your heart and to share in an equal basis with those around you. If you open your heart, they'll open their heart. All of you here who've experienced the love in the love therapy classes have experienced an opening of the heart to one degree or another. As the heart opens, as we begin to surrender, we begin to surrender to the divine, and the divine is found right within ourselves.

And so this is the key that we give very, very practical lessons in here. If you will come and participate in the love therapy, the opening of the heart, where you become close in heart consciousness, in divine consciousness with those around you, this allows you to begin to move away from the ego consciousness of defense into the consciousness of surrender. And as you gain that consciousness of surrender, you discover the divinity of it. You discover the beauty of it.

All of us are programmed in the defense, most all of us, in one form or another. All of us have special buttons that can be touched that put us on dramatic defense. And they've been programmed into us from when we were little tiny babies. Some people believe that they have to look a certain way. And the reason they have to look that way or behave that way is because someone in the past programmed them to do that. Now, it can be a rejection of programming or it can be an acceptance of programming. But actually what's taking place with us is we are taking activity on the defense battlefield of the ego, the battlefield of life, and there we allow ourselves to participate in that maintenance rather than ascending our consciousness and pushing aside the obstacles of ignorance and delusion and delusion and resting in the submission and being within the divine. We're caught by the ego, by the battlefield of life, in the pain, in the maintenance, in the destruction. And all of you are so beautiful and so divine and so perfect. And it's like you all just allow yourselves to be incarcerated in your tanks and you just hide out in there and you piddle away the days of your life in maintenance until you become old in the body. Then a few of you may say, Oh, it's time for me to do something about this enlightenment. My days are running out. Tomorrow I may die. And it's far more difficult to crawl out of the immense tank that one builds, the huge prisons of many, many miles of walls, of steel and iron and concrete we build around us, to get out of there after all those years of building it.

Christ said you need to become as a little child to enter the kingdom of God. Sort of simple, isn't it? Little children are very, very submissive. They're not on the battlefield of life. They're very, very open. Their hearts are open for love for anyone around them. And so if you will participate in our classes on love therapy, all of the answers are given here to you. Just participate. There's an activity within them, and it happens. It's just being given to you. Just don't hide out from it. Just don't drive off in your tank out to another part of the battlefield of life and there begin another war. Allow yourselves to find your own divinity and the bliss within you. I know all of you want to be happy. I know all of you want to have beautiful lives. Just allow it to be. Just allow it to be. All you have to do is let it happen and take activity and participate in it.