The Reason for Life, Divine Play, and the Law of Submission

January 31, 1982

Available in the KPHI Audio Library.
And that's what life is about, is play. But you all forgot how to play.

Every philosophy, every church, every organization, in one form or another, tries to give the answers to those individuals who attend the lectures, the functions, or whatever the experience. An answer of what they're doing here in life, the purpose for existence, the reasons we should live for, the reasons we die, the reasons and the what's that happen to us after we die. And all the philosophies and all of the churches and all the gatherings in this area explain a little bit differently. And all of their explanations are divine and perfect explanations. They all come from the cause and they're all correct. Now all of you would say, how could this be? How could we have all these truths? And it's like I've said many times before, that one person standing on the planet sees the sun as a big yellow orange ball. And millions of people standing on this planet see the sun as a big yellow orange ball. But those who stand millions of light years from here see the sun as a little tiny blue star. And so we as inquirers would ask someone on the planet, what does the sun look like? And they would say to us, oh the sun is a great big yellow orange ball. And then we would ask another person on the planet and they would say the exact same thing. And we would have millions of humanoids on this planet Earth saying the sun is a great big yellow orange ball. And they all very devoutly and divinely within their hearts believe that it is a great big yellow orange ball. And from their heart and from their divine consciousness and from the purity of the honesty of every one of those individuals, it is a great big yellow orange ball.

Now let's go to the planet far, far, far from here. And as we gaze back upon this sun, the same sun as those here on this planet Earth look at. And they say that that is a little blue star, a little tiny blue star. And they very, very devoutly and very, very honestly and very, very sincerely believe. And it is truth from their central consciousness, from their planet. It is true that it is a little blue star.

And so what we have here is two truths. You know what else we have? We have all of the truth that lies between the little blue star for those who see it that way and the great big yellow orange ball for those who see it that way. There are an infinite number of truths between those two points. And all of those truths are valid. All of those truths are truth. And every one of them do exist. So in a universal consciousness, one would say that everything is truth and everything is untruth.

So those in their philosophies that say that we are alive on this planet for this reason or that reason, it's truth. For another philosophy that says exactly the opposite thing, what they are saying is truth also. And all the philosophies are really truth. And at the same time, to an opposite philosophy from them, they say the untruth.

Let me tell you why you are here on this planet. Everyone is here on this planet. The reason they are here on this planet is because they have, under the law of potential, and this would sit well with any of the philosophies, chose to, if it were a personal consciousness choice, they were potentialized to, or they were under the law of cause and effect, which allowed them to be born, let us just say, on this planet, or manifested themselves into a relative existence. And here within this relative existence, there had to be a reason for you to come in this direction. And all of those reasons are valid of all the philosophies. Some of the philosophies would say that we are here to work towards becoming like God. Someone would say we are here to be tested. Someone would say we are here to do this or that or whatever. And I would say, yes, we are. All of us are here to do this, that, or whatever, because we allowed ourselves to be manifested here or born here.

Every one of you did this. Not me. I did it too, but I did it for myself. But every one of you did it for yourself, for one reason or another. And when you were first born, you were born in a particular environment and before you were born into it, you were aware of this environment that you were going to be born into. And you were pleased with it. Or you wouldn't have been born into it, or you wouldn't have incarnated into it. For when we are in the spirit, when we are in the identity, when we are in the self and not in the body, any one of those things you would like to call it, we have great facilities of understanding. And these great facilities of understanding allow us to know what a life will be. We could call it foreordained. When one would be born into a particular life, and there they would have certain things and certain functions that they would do, and the real attraction towards the physical body, the real attraction towards the material plane is foreplay. This is why you, under potential or under law of cause and effect, or under the divine law of birth for a foreordained purpose, chose to come here and play. And that's what life is about, is play. But you all forgot how to play. You all got serious once you got here because you were overwhelmed by the confusion of a life. Being born into this physical machine, the body, the divine body, you were so overwhelmed as a baby by its precision that you found it very, very difficult to remember how to play.

Divine play. What is divine play? For everyone it's a different thing. Some of you happen to feel that great pain is divine play. Some of you feel that acquiring this or acquiring that is divine play. And you're correct. It is. All these things are divine play. The thing that's very, very interesting is that when we're in the identity, we happen to allow ourselves to be in a blissful consciousness. Even though it may not be total bliss, we're in a blissful consciousness. And we look upon an incarnation and we see the sensualness of it and the divine play. And we say to ourselves, if I were within the body, if I could reincarnate, I could experience again the longing of the divine play that I remember from my last incarnation. And so we incarnate with the purpose to have this divine play. But as I said a few moments ago, the grand confusion comes over us again because we get lost out here in the painfulness of the playground of life. And we could call it the playground of the battle.

And this grand confusion that I spoke of, excuse me for the interruption here in the tape, is just exactly like the interruption we had now. We incarnate into life with a plan that says to us, oh, I'm going to be born, I'm going to enjoy all these things that I want to incarnate into this body to enjoy and play with. But soon as we incarnate into the body, we have an interruption, just exactly like we've had now. A person interjects their consciousness into ours, or this, or that happens, or this happens. And a confusion begins to come about because within the body we allow ourselves in most circumstances to be affected and disturbed by the interactions of the elements in the environment around us, just exactly like the telephone ringing a second ago. It interjects itself into our consciousness, disturbs our bliss. We reject it as an unwanted intruder into our life, and it causes us some form of stress. And so the divine bliss and the divine play is interrupted.

It's my purpose and my responsibility to show each and every one of you how to recall the divine play and how to play within life, and at the same time lift the energies of the physical body, ascend the consciousness, bring the physical self into completeness and best health, and bring out the greatest love and joy within every one of you. Now it's your responsibility to take activity within it. The words are meaningless. The things that I tell you are just words. All they are is resonations. The thing that is significant is your participation. And until you begin to participate, then you find yourself stuck in the pain and in the illusion and the confusion of the divine playground that you happen to be here on.

And all of your lives look to me like they're pretty miserable. I really, to be honest with you, don't know one of you that is really within a wholeness of themselves. You seem to be like almost everybody else on this planet, really in a hurting way. Now, you can continue to choose to hurt. You can continue to participate in a sealed consciousness, a sealed in ignorance. You can continue to do these things, for no one has the power to bring you out of your own incarceration, only you. The play of life can be explained to you, presented to you, put before you, handed to you on a golden platter. But unless you choose to experience it and go through the systematic law of learning, then you will continue to hurt. Your lives will continue to be miserable and you will continue to not realize who and what you are. They call this self-realization. They call this awakened awareness. They call this unity consciousness. They call this bliss consciousness. They call this cosmic consciousness. They call this celestial play. They call this celestial Christ consciousness. They call this Krishna consciousness. They call this Buddha consciousness. They call this nirvana. We could go on all day naming different names that the philosophies have for it, and it's all the same thing. The only problem is the philosophies are not showing you how to play, and I will show you how to play. All you have to do is, instead of being a rigid, insecure prisoner of your own life, you need to melt your heart and practice the divine law of learning. And the divine law of learning, for those who do not remember, is when we move into a new consciousness, when we move into a new enlightenment, when we move into anything new, we pass through the systematic law of learning. And the systematic law of learning is this. We approach a problem, a question, a situation, a happening, and we question it. We don't believe it. We don't hope for it. We don't wish it. We just question it. We examine it. We inspect it. And we continue to question it. Then comes the moment for us to be able to know it. We have to submit to it.

Everything in nature is very, very similar. If we have a dog and we have a cat, now we all know that dogs and cats can be very, very close friends, and they're trained, because of the playground and battlefield of life, to be enemies. But for them to be in joy and happiness and in bliss and peace with each other, they have to go through the systematic law of learning. They look at each other and they say, “What are you?” in their own consciousnesses to each other. And initially, because of the cat's fear of the dog, the cat is on defense. Because of the dog's fear of the cat, its hair rises on its back and it's on defense. And so they're both in their defensive prisons. But as they continue to look at each other and question each other, they discover that the cat really doesn't mean harm to the dog, and the dog will discover that the cat doesn't mean harm to it. And so the dog goes up and sniffs on the cat, and the cat smacks the dog on the nose a little bit with its paw, and they begin the divine play of submission. The divine play of submission.

Now, to a lot of you, that word is harsh. To a lot of you, the word submission is frightening. To a lot of you, the word submission is overcoming. But how could you allow yourself to submit to anything? You want to be totally in control. And what are you in control of? You're in control of nothing. Because when you're not in submission, and you believe you're in control, you are the pawn of the experience of life. For everything that happens to you affects you, because you're there on guard, in control, in defense, any motion, any movement of the cat, if you were the dog, keys something within you and causes stress, causes pain, causes fear, causes hurt. And the same for the cat. So if you're in control, it's really opposite of what you believe it to be. When you're in control, you are really out of control. When you're in submission, you are in control. So the words that we hear, that we believe to be one thing, are actually another. And when they are explained to us in a divine way, we can see the enlightenment found within all of them.

When one moves to submission, like the cat and the dog do, they touch noses, they touch paws, and they become very, very close to each other, and they feel each other, and they feel each other's heart, they feel each other's mind, they feel each other's body, they feel each other's soul, and they find the divinity in each other. And with this newfound divinity, they experience each other, and they move into the enlightenment of knowledge about each other, that there's no need for fear of the cat or the dog, there's no need for fear of what was supposed to be unknown, if we move into submission. For when we submit, nothing can harm us. Only when we are on the defense can we be harmed. For if we allow whatever takes place with us, there is no harm done. There can be no pain felt, there can be no anxiety generated, if we are in this pure state of submission. When you understand this divine law, then all will become easy for you. But until you do, you will continue to be on the battlefield of life. You will no longer enjoy, as you did before, when you were in your spiritual or your identity state, whatever you choose to call it, the bliss of existence. All you will do is absorb in the pain of the playground of life, which makes it very, very difficult for you out here.

So the playing or the enjoyment of life comes through practicing the systematic law of learning, through submitting after one questions what's going on, experiencing it and seeing the divine beauty of it. A lot of you are beginners within life and a lot of you are enders within life. You won't be here on this particular incarnation for a great number of years. It doesn't matter where you're at in your life. At the beginning or at the end, now is the moment to begin playing in your life rather than suffering in your life. It only comes through submission to the experience of the playground of life. But as long as you continue to resist it, as long as you continue to fight it, as long as you continue to incarcerate yourself in fear, the fear of experience, the fear of enlightenment, the fear of play, the fear of opening your heart, the fear of touching, the fear of experiencing those around us and everything in existence, you will remain a prisoner of your control.

The question has been raised that there's many, many rough bumps in life. Just to be able to survive, we have to go out and work as they would say by the sweat of our brow, to be able to feed ourselves in life. This is a very interesting thing that we in the West have been programmed into believing. We in the West believe that survival can only be attained when one lives like a king.

I have a dear friend who wanders the streets of Los Angeles eating out of garbage cans. He has millions of dollars in a trust that he never touches because he is afraid of money, because he never made the submission to it, the experience of it, and the knowledge of it. He is on the battlefield of life living as a derelict on the streets of L.A. because his fear is money.

We all build great excuses within our mind and great reasons why we have to have this, we have to have that, we have to have all this extra food on our bodies, we have to have this thing to keep us warm, we have to have this to make us look nice, we have to have this kind of thing to get us here and there, we have to store up this thing for security when the bad days come, we have to have this, this, this and this and this, all that comes from the programming when one drops into the society that we happen to be in when we're born here. And this is what I'm talking to you about, the programming that you have to be in control of your life, and in control of your life, you, therefore, will have everything that you want.

But actually what takes place is you get nothing that you want, because all that you get is a lot of worry, a lot of fear, a lot of anxiety, a lot of defense about who is going to take this from me, how do I have to do this to make sure that this happens, what do I have to do here?

Now, the next argument could be raised, well, then what if I just lay back and do nothing? Well, if you just lay back and do nothing, you're doing the exact same things you were before. You are in control of yourself, and you are doing nothing in control of yourself. And then the elements take over your existence and change you as your body deteriorates into the other elements that happen to exist within life. So we do take activity, but the activity we take, do we take it in the consciousness of control? Do we take it in the consciousness of submission? How do we take this activity? And when one takes their activity in submission to God, or the Divine, or whatever you choose to call it, then one experiences all of the activities of life in the Divine, in God, in the bliss of it. And there is really no such thing as pain when we are in the Divine, for we understand that everything that takes place is beautiful and divine and part of the creation of the cause. And whether we lose our life tomorrow, whether we're hungry tomorrow, it's all in harmony with the total overall cause and effect of one's life. And it has no effect on us as it would if we thought we were in control. Being in control is incarceration. Being in control is ignorance. Being in control is delusion and illusion. Being in submission to the Divine is God-consciousness. Being in submission is pure freedom. Being in submission is bliss. Being in submission is ecstasy. Being in submission is joy. Being in submission is happiness. Being in submission is pleasure. Being in submission is total, universal, complete knowledge and understanding.