Chapter 3                       S E V E N   S U M M U M   P R I N C I P L E S


Before working the other exercises in this chapter, write definitions of each
of the key terms from the chapter.

Psychokinesis _______________________________________________________________


correspondence ______________________________________________________________


vibration ___________________________________________________________________


opposition __________________________________________________________________


rhythm ______________________________________________________________________


cause and effect ____________________________________________________________


gender ______________________________________________________________________


interrelationship ___________________________________________________________


embodies ____________________________________________________________________


substantial _________________________________________________________________


essence _____________________________________________________________________


manifestations ______________________________________________________________


phenomena ___________________________________________________________________


gastrulation ________________________________________________________________


esoteric ____________________________________________________________________


subjective observation ______________________________________________________


psychic _____________________________________________________________________


paradox _____________________________________________________________________


geometry ____________________________________________________________________


astronomer __________________________________________________________________


monad _______________________________________________________________________


enunciated __________________________________________________________________


quark _______________________________________________________________________


squark ______________________________________________________________________


lepton ______________________________________________________________________


slepton _____________________________________________________________________


electron ____________________________________________________________________


atom ________________________________________________________________________


molecule ____________________________________________________________________


reconciled __________________________________________________________________


thesis ______________________________________________________________________


antithesis __________________________________________________________________


identical ___________________________________________________________________


Will ________________________________________________________________________


altering ____________________________________________________________________


Immersion ___________________________________________________________________


compensates _________________________________________________________________


neutralization ______________________________________________________________



This summary, when completed with answers, gives you a comprehension of the
primary points of the chapter in the text.  Fill in the blanks with words or
phrases that complete the ideas.

"The Principles of knowing __________________ are Seven; those who know these
possess the _____________ ___________ to whose touch all locked Doors open to
__________________." -- Summum

These seven great Principles will be discussed and explained at length in
this work.  A short explanation of each, however, will be given at this
point, for all the ______________ of Summum have an _________________________
with each other.

"SUMMUM is MIND; the universe is a ____________________ creation."

This first great Principle embodies the idea that "All is ________________."

This living ____________  performs gastrulation, which is a turning of itself
inside out, manifesting its esoteric NATURE outwardly.  Therefore, all the
phenomenal worlds and universes are simply a _______________ ________________
of SUMMUM (MIND) subject to the laws of created things, and the universes, as
a whole, and in their parts or units, have their existence in the Mind of

"As above, so below; as below, so ____________________." -- Summum

Just as a knowledge of the principles of geometry empowers the astronomer to
measure distant suns and their movements while seated in an observatory, a
knowledge of the Principles of Correspondence empowers you to reason
intelligently from the known to the ___________________.

"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything __________________." -- Summum

This Principle embodies the idea that everything is in motion; everything
_________________; nothing is at rest; facts which science endorses and which
each new scientific discovery tends to verify.

"Everything is dual; everything has an opposing point; everything has its
pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are ______________
in nature, but different in degree; extremes bond; all truths are but
_________________ truths; all paradoxes may be __________________." -- Summum

It explains that in everything there are two opposing points or opposite 
________________(complementarity), and that opposites are really only the two
extremes of the ______________ event, with many _____________ degrees between
them. To illustrate, "hot and cold," although opposites, are really the same 
___________________, the differences consisting merely of degrees of the same

"Everything flows out and in; everything has its season; all things rise and
_____________________; the pendulum swing expresses itself in everything; the
measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the
________________; rhythm _____________________." -- Summum

All things "come in and out of _____________" between the two opposing points
which exist in accordance with the Principle of Opposition described 
previously. There is always an action and a ______________; an ______________
and a retreat; a rising and a ________________. This is in the affairs of the
________________, suns, worlds, _______________, animals, mind,_____________,
and matter.

"Every cause has its ___________________________; every effect has its cause;
everything happens according to Law; ______________________ is a name for Law
not recognized; there are many fields of causation, but nothing escapes the
___________ _____ _______________." -- Summum

This principle embodies the idea that there is a __________ for every effect;
and an _______________ from every cause. It explains that "everything happens
according to law"; that nothing ever "merely happens"; that there is no such
thing as __________; that while there are various fields of cause and effect,
the higher ____________________ the lower fields, still nothing ever entirely
escapes the Law (____________).

"Gender is in everything; everything has its ____________________________ and
______________________ principles; Gender manifests on all levels." -- Summum

The NATURE of the ___________________ of CREATION displays in this principle.
This is a fact not only of the physical level, but of the mental and even the
________________ levels. On the physical levels the Principle presents itself
as _____________; on the higher levels it takes ______________ forms, but the
Principle is ever the same. No creation, physical, mental, or spiritual, is
________________ without this Principle. 


Write the number of the appropriate answer in the blank corresponding to the
description.  There is one correct answer for each blank.

______ The universe is a Mental                      1. Cause & Effect
                                                     2. Rhythm
______ As above, so below; as below, so              3. Creation 
       above, is the Principle of                    4. Gender
                                                     5. Opposition
______ The Principle of Vibration explains           6. Correspondence
       that everything is constantly                 7. moving

______ all paradoxes may be reconciled with 
       the Principle of

______ all things rise and fall;

______ The Law of Destiny is explained by
       the Principle of

______ Everything has both Masculine and
       Feminine within it, which is known


Using the Systematic Law of Learning, apply the following Principles.

1. Within your mind create an idea.  Take the idea and build upon it until
   you have created a small world around your idea.

   a. Write a description of how your idea turned into a small world and how
      this creation works.






2. Using the Principle of Correspondence examine the structure of an atom and
   compare it to the solar system.

   a. Write a description of how the two are similar.






3. Using the Principle of Vibration examine the different sounds and pitches
   generated by a stringed musical instrument.

   a. Write a description of how the rate of the vibration is related to the
      pitch of the sound.






4. Using the Principle of Opposition examine how opposites are identical in
   nature, but different in degree.

   a. Write a description of how hot and cold are identical but different.
      Do the same with love and hate.






5. Illustrate how Rhythm compensates.

   a. Give an example of balance in life where one situation is balanced by






6. Chance is just a name for Law not comprehended; give examples of Cause and
   Effect and how Destiny is involved.

   a. Describe how Cause and Effect creates Destiny.






7. Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine

   a. Describe the nature of the Masculine and Feminine Principles in the







Formulate answers to these questions.  Refer to both your text and your
lecture notes.  You need not write out the answer in full sentences, but make
notes on all the details you would include in a full answer.  Review your
answers with someone else

 1. List the seven Great Principles of Summum.

 2. What is the Grand Principle of Summum?

 3. Give a definition of a Universal, Infinite, Living Mind.

 4. What is subjective observation of Creation?

 5. What is meant by "As above, so below?"

 6. How does Creation's copulation generate vibration?

 7. Explain the difference in the vibration of spirit and the vibration of
    gross matter.

 8. Explain why there are degrees of vibration between the two extreme
    opposing points.

 9. How are energy and force related to vibration?

10. Explain how everything has two sides.

11. How do nothing and possibility relate to opposition?

12. Explain how hot and cold are really the same thing.

13. What is the difference between black and white?

14. How does rhythm compensate?

15. How are destiny and cause and effect related?

16. Explain how everything has gender in it.


 1. The difference between the Grand Principle of Summum and the seven Great
    Principles of Summum is

    a. the Grand Principle is one thousand times larger.
    b. the Great Principles are the effect of the Grand
    c. the Great Principles are only used to find material
    d. four times the square of phi.

 2. The Principle of Psychokinesis embodies the idea that

    a. spoons are bent when you use stubborn will.
    b. all confusing things become more confusing when thought
       of in the mind.
    c. All is Mind.
    d. moving objects empowers the serious student to find

 3. The living MIND of SUMMUM performs gastrulation, which is a

    a. indigestion of cosmic significance.
    b. an inner nature being manifested outwardly.
    c. necessary for the proper channels to guide us on Earth.
    d. the fourth step in color therapy.

 4. Subjective Observation of Creation is the Principle which

    a. explains mental and psychic phenomena.
    b. needs for larger microscopes to examine nature.
    c. needs to build more accurate telescopes.
    d. abilities to build crystal balls.

 5. The Principle of Correspondence is

    a. a result of the pony express and faster letter service.
    b. "as above, so below."
    c. a submarine communicating with whales.
    d. the need to be on top of the latest new age gimmick.

 6. The Principle of Vibration is a result of

    a. many guided meditations.
    b. a close relationship a pneumatic hammer.
    c. the copulation of Creation.
    d. the deepest tone of OM pronounced properly by an
       enlightened guru.

 7. The higher the vibration, the closer it is to

    a. becoming an abnormal event.
    b. spirit.
    c. a genetic consequence that cannot be recognized.
    d. lost to all time and not necessary to relocate.

 8. The lower the vibration, the closer it is to

    a. being the right mantra.
    b. gross matter.
    c. a bass note only known by those practiced singers.
    d. being evil and should be avoided.

 9. Energy and Force are a result of

    a. deficit spending.
    b. male chauvinism.
    c. degrees of vibration
    d. knowledge of the highest spirit guide.

10. The Principle of Opposition embodies the idea that everything is

    a. black or white.
    b. dual.
    c. out of order.
    d. in a struggle.

11. With the Principle of Opposition we know that all truth is

    a. only found in one true religion.
    b. a paradox.
    c. only understood by certain races.
    d. only found in books of eastern thought.

12. Hot and cold, although opposites, are really the

    a. extremes to be avoided.
    b. same phenomena.
    c. examples of potential energy.
    d. terms used by modern anthropologists.

13. The Principle of Rhythm embodies the idea that in everything there is

    a. an instrument of function called jive.
    b. a season that never ends.
    c. a pendulum like movement.
    d. rhythm, and some races have more of it.

14. The Principle of Rhythm explains that all religions are born and

    a. get larger depending on the amount of truth they have.
    b. only the true one will survive.
    c. die.
    d. take control of all humans if they are the true one.

15. Cause and Effect explains that

    a. dice never come up the same way twice.
    b. everything happens according to the Law of Destiny.
    c. no one really knows the future.
    d. destiny is a fairy tale.

16. When you understand chance you can

    a. win on big eight when playing craps.
    b. understand how unfair life can be.
    c. realize that gambling is the game of the wise.
    d. realize it does not exist.

17. In everything there are the Masculine and Feminine Principles which
    is known as

    a. Gender
    b. bi-sexualism.
    c. transvestites
    d. hidden sexualism.



creation                                    fall
master, key	                            left, compensates
creation                                    bond     
Principles, interrelationship               reaction, advance
Mental				            sinking
Mind			                    universe, humankind, energy
mind                                        effect
Mental Creation                             chance  
SUMMUM                                      Law of Destiny
above				            cause
unknown					    effect
vibrates				    chance
vibrates                                    dominating
identical                                   destiny
partial                                     masculine
reconciled                                  feminine
aspects                                     copulation
same, varying                               spiritual
phenomenon                                  SEX
event			                    higher


3, 6, 7, 5, 2, 1, 4


1. b                            7. b                                13. c
2. c                            8. b                                14. c
3. b                            9. c                                15. b
4. a                           10. b                                16. d
5. b                           11. b                                17. a
6. c                           12. b